Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back to Blogging!

Hello blogosphere world!! I'm back to the blogging world after about a 2 year hiatus! A lot has happened in my life since I last blogged on my old blog: had a baby, bought a house....you know, the usual! Life has been crazy around the Bolton household, but one thing I do know: God has richly blessed us! We may not have everything we want, but we've got everything we need: salvation through God's Son, Jesus Christ, roof over our heads, food on the table, and our health! Amen!?

Here's my favorite 13 month old blessing, Mr. Dylan Andrew


  1. I'll definitely be following you sis! I love that God has blessed you tremendously and can't wait to be updated on the life and times of the fabulous Boltons! Hugs!!

  2. Congrats on starting your blog! I'll be following along and rejoicing with you as you celebrate the Lord's blessings in your life!

  3. Thanks Erika & Nicole! Looking forward to blogging & visiting your blogs as well!

  4. I'm glad you are back online sharing your gift of writing through a new blog.
